“I can’t breathe” resonates with Moros

Macabangkit B. Lanto “Racism resonates with Moros of southern Philippines. It was the font of their struggle for merdeka or independence.” Some may find this odd. While studying in university, I was more interested in reading bestsellers than the prescribed textbooks. Perhaps it was to break boredom or I found the classroom books dull and… Read More “I can’t breathe” resonates with Moros

Recent incidents worry Muslims of ATB’s real target

Abdul Hannan M. Tago Anti-Terror Bill (ATB) is badly needed here in our country as already being in place in many countries across the globe including Muslim states. Unfortunately and while it is still under thorough reviews incidents that involved killing of Muslims and house search without warrant of arrest or proper coordination with other… Read More Recent incidents worry Muslims of ATB’s real target

Pinoy expats homecoming from Sabah starts

By Ali G. Macabalang COTABATO CITY: Cohesive efforts for the safe return of repatriated Filipinos from Sabah have reeled off, with the Bangsamoro autonomous government dispatching on Tuesday, June 30 a team to receive the first batch of returnees within this week, a regional executive announced Wednesday. Lawyer Naguib Sinarimbo, Bangsamoro government spokesman, said there… Read More Pinoy expats homecoming from Sabah starts