A culture of nepotism and repaying favor stir instability

By Abdul Hannan
Magarang Tago

In my three years stay here in the Philippines following my resignation from the Saudi Arabia-based Arab News in 2016, I felt the sufferings of the hundred thousands of jobless citizens.

The problem here is not the lack of sufficient education, qualifications and competence. I meet many of those young graduates’ applicants possessing college diplomas, civil service eligibility and various certificates of training and yet they remained jobless.

Nepotism and repaying favor, among others, are the main reasons, in addition to political monopoly and influence.

Most of the government agencies are using digital or online platform in selecting workforce for the minimal and lower positions but not the key positions.

Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) has implemented the same modern technology for their staffing programs.

The process helped the so-called millennium and the digital minded generation not necessarily part of the struggle at the expenses of hundreds of veterans combatants including top commanders.

The general perception is negative in terms of employment and job creation. We are among worst in the world in empowering its own caliber and competent nationals because of the nepotism, fraternal ties and repaying favor.

In addition to the influence of politicians and party, vocational training are also under politicians’ control. Most beneficiaries of various trainings are under recommendation of a certain congressman.

BARMM is implementing such modern technology as good beginning but the example should start from the top level among key officials and should be in inclusive manner that benefit all constituents under its areas of jurisdiction in power sharing.

This will boost the process toward moral and good governance while shifting to a productive Bangsamoro by creating job opportunities in all fields and sectors.

10 million Filipinos working abroad is an apparent testimony of the employment problem in our country.

The problem encourages the cycle of political activities, more grouping and activating organizations as obvious in these days as preparation for the upcoming elections.

I left the country in 1984 at the peak of greedy fight for power and positions that left behind the 3rd largest English speaking Philippines among Asian country at the expenses of development, progress and good governance. This administration has done a lot but the traces of the employment problem are still in place.

The phenomenon creates uncertainty and instability. In terms of political parties or even revolutionary followers they opt to shift to another group or entity or create a new one where they feel good option that would bring them opportunities.

ARMM was there before the ratification of BOL or now BARMM. People would shift now to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) for a merely job opportunities.

While BARMM or MILF is still in its second year of transition power, comrades feel they are left behind and will not be able to compete with the digital minded generation. MNLF would be an option for many.

In the national level people or former officials in the unilateral form of government are now so busy and active in campaigning for the federalism or revolutionary government.

This not spares the religious groups who are also regrouping or strengthening their unity for some gains including power and positions.

It is imperative the State has to adopt the quality of employment or labor force among its nationals without any influence but competencies and qualifications.

They should create job opportunities and good governance.

We do believe in federalism as ideal and viable solutions. And a Senate bill to abolish the nepotism, favoritism and political influence in the job opportunities has to be passed and enacted into law. AHMT

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