Muslim Filipino leader moves for unity of the Islamic Ummah amidst challenges of the time

Amidst the disunity engulfing the Muslim World, which is the main reason for their malady, a Muslim Filipino leader is pushing for an Islamic unity movement to help solve the present dilemma facing the Islamic Ummah.

Fresh from a travel abroad where he has observed the disunity of the Ummah at its height, Prof. Datu Hj. Moh’d Hassan Conding Cana is proposing for what he calls, “The Movement for the Global Islamic Ummah for Unity and Progress: Rekindling the Past for a Better World.”

This, Prof. Cana says, will help address the present upheaval due to the disunity besetting the Islamic Ummah.

Prof. Cana suggests the following to be engaged for this purpose:


  1. Working together for Peace, Unity, and Progress for all Muslim Communities;
  2. Avoid all forms of conflicts that cause disunity among the Muslims; and
  3. Rendering daily Du’a for the realization of such Dream and Vision.


Through volunteerism from well-meaning Brother and Sisters in the Islamic World.


The first batch of members/volunteers shall be convened to visualize the structure, vision, mission, and management system of the movement designed for the pleasure of the Almighty Allah.


Spiritually, we must intervene in the ongoing disunity among Muslims in Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Israel, Palestine, Pakistan, Nigeria, Syria, Lebanon, and others,

Abroad, Prof. Cana met with some prominent Muslim dignitaries from KSA, Malaysia and Brunei Darusalam, as well as some renowned influential Arabs in the Middle East where he presented the unity idea.

A former professor of the Mindanao State University (MSU) in Marawi City, Cana said there is no other better time to unite stronger for the welfare of the Ummah Islamiah.

He also urged the Bangsamoro Muslim Ummah (community) to unite and stop bickering with each other.

Prof. Cana belongs to the royal houses of Marawi. He is also a member of the Top 90 of the Moro National Liberation Front. (PR)

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