Muslims Reach 2 Billion Mark, Growth Rate Doubles


Islam will be the most followed religion by the end of this century, research report confirms.

Muslims around the world were estimated to be 2,006,931,770 according to the Global Muslim Population report published on the website.

Muslims now represent more than 25 percent of the total world population, making it the second most practiced religion in the world.

According to the report, Islam is the official religion of 26 countries in Africa and Asia and is the fastest-growing religion in the world.

A 2017 PEW study had already predicted that by the end of this century, Muslims around the world will surpass the number of Christians in the world.

“The number of Muslims will grow more than twice as fast as the world’s population between 2015 and 2060, overtaking Christians as the world’s largest religious group in the second half of this century.”

With more than 240 million Muslims, Indonesia is home to the largest Muslim community in the world. The Asian country is followed by Pakistan (+230 million), India (+219 million) and Bangladesh (+156 million). The first non-Asian country is Nigeria (+113 million).

(The Islamic Information)

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