Amazing Tale: Missing Filipino Pilgrim survives 7 days in Masjid Al-Haram

MANILA — A 67-year old Filipino Pilgrim from Sulu who had been missing for seven days has been found, according to a Facebook page post.

A post on Facebook by Suwara Tawi-Tawi said Samson Sali is now found alive and well by his fellow Tausug pilgrims inside the Masjid Al-Haram. It said the couple who found him, Hji. Abdulwahid Hamja and Hja. Khadijah Hamja also of Sulu province were doing their tawaf around the Kaaba when Mr.Sali overheard them talking in Tausug Language.

The couple then recognized his face posted in the Facebook when Mr. Sali approached them for help. According to Mr. Samson he slept in the floors of Masjid Al-Haram for seven days without food but with water Zamzam, the holy water inside the Masjid. The family attributed his survival and safety to the Mercy and Love of Allah and the prayers of everyone and the public looking for him.

Meanwhile, it was earlier reported that a 37-year-old Filipina pilgrim died from extreme heat during the annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia, the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh said Thursday.

Philippine Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Rommel Romato confirmed that the Filipina passed away on June 16 “due to extreme weather conditions.”

“Though medical attention was provided at a Makkah hospital, she did not survive,” he told the media.

The Filipina, who hailed from Western Mindanao, was an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) based in Saudi Arabia and was not part of the Hajj delegation organized by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF).

Romato said the Philippine Embassy and Consulate General hajj assistance teams, as well as the Migrant Workers Office in Jeddah coordinated her burial in Makkah on June 19.

Based on the data from the NCMF Hajj supervisory team, at least 5,060 Filipino pilgrims are participating in this year’s Hajj, excluding roughly 200 NCMF support staff. (With story from PNA an Kakasi Doc Kasehatan)

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