Significance of President Biden’s first visit to Saudi Arabia

By: Imadodin Basar Dimao It is been pretty obvious for years that the mutual relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia had been politically severed since the assassination of Jamal Kashoggi, a Saudi national and journalist by profession who was columnist for the Washington Post at the time of his death. This was also… Read More Significance of President Biden’s first visit to Saudi Arabia

PERMA: A basic theory of well-being through the lens of Islamic guidance and counselling

IMADODIN BASAR DIMAO “Do not be sad, for sadness, grief, and anxiety are the roots of mental problems, the sources of stress.” Ãid al-Qarni  It’s been two-decade since the original publication of “Don’t be sad” book by one of the esteemed Muslim scholars, Dr. Ãid al-Qarni, which was first written in Arabic via ‘لا تحزن’… Read More PERMA: A basic theory of well-being through the lens of Islamic guidance and counselling